Prospects of Using Carbonate Mineral Raw Materials of Podіlia in Technology of Autoclave Concrete Production


  • V. R. Serdyuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • D. G. Rudchenko LLC “Aerok”



autoclaved aerated concrete, carbonate raw materials, energy efficiency


The advantages of autoclaved aerated concrete as a modern structural and heat-insulating material are shown. The current state of energy and environmental problems related to the production of autoclaved aerated concrete and its components has been studied. The data on the environmental impact of greenhouse gas emissions from the production of mineral binders show that the cement industry accounts for 7…10 % of total CO2 emissions.

It is noted that the reduction of energy consumption for the production of cement and cement materials, including autoclaved aerated concrete, corresponds to the existing reserves for reducing Ukraine’s energy dependence and environmental restrictions related to greenhouse gas emissions.

The data on the formation of the regulatory framework for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete and the use of active mineral additives of natural and man-made origin in order to reduce the high energy consumption of the clinker component in its composition. On the basis of analytical researches prospects of use of carbonate additives in technology of production of cement materials and aerated concrete of autoclave hardening are shown.

The analysis of the current state of limestone extraction and its use in the country’s economy is given. The construction industry accounts for about 30 % of its total consumption, and 60…70 % is used by the metallurgical industry.

Due to the rapid growth of imports of limestone raw materials to Ukraine, potential opportunities for the use of explored reserves of limestone raw materials, which are concentrated on the left bank of the Dniester. Specific data of geological exploration works carried out in the 30s, 40s and 80s of the last century, which can be used for the production of lime and multifunctional additives in autoclaved aerated concrete, are given.

Author Biographies

V. R. Serdyuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Construction, Urban Development and Architecture

D. G. Rudchenko, LLC “Aerok”

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), General Director of LLC “Aerok”


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How to Cite

V. R. . Serdyuk and D. G. . Rudchenko, “Prospects of Using Carbonate Mineral Raw Materials of Podіlia in Technology of Autoclave Concrete Production”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 7–16, Nov. 2020.



Civil engineering



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