Potential of Using Straw Grain Crops as Biofuel


  • S. A. Burlaka Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Yu. V. Humeniuk Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • O. O. Galuschak Vinnytsia National Technical University




cereal straw, bioenergy, biofuels, technology


In the present of our country, its energy independence is a topical issue. Ukraine has a huge potential of biomass - straw, which today, as biofuel is extremely small, because of the lack of equipment and machinery for proper collection of fields and power plants, where it can be burned. This plant is the only niche in the production of solid biofuels, which, in fact, is underdeveloped today. Straw can be one of the most promising sources of alternative fuel for the country as a whole. The article presents the research results of potential use of straw for energy purposes. One of the problematic issues is the contents in the biomass of straw of some chemical elements, which reduce the efficiency of power plants. This problem can be solved by leaching the elements from the straw in the use of biomass for direct burning or when using straw for the manufacture of pellets. Pellet production of straw has both advantages and disadvantages. Cereal straw is one of the promising energy sources, efficient use of which is determined by several factors, including the need for an ecological justification. Determined the predictive potential of straw as an alternative fuel and assessed the energy costs of its collection, preparation for combustion in boilers. On the basis of estimates and predicts the possible volumes of consumption of a particular alternative fuel for the future. In this work, we discussed the balance sheet evaluation methods of the potential of straw as biofuel for a specific condition and results of researches of influence on the environment. It is shown that exposure of straw in the field can significantly reduce the content of corrosion-hazardous elements. There has been analyzed the composition of the ash waste, which are formed during combustion of straw. It is established that under the present agricultural practice the content of some heavy metals in the ash do not exceed the European Union standards, which allows its use as a fertilizer for crops.

Author Biographies

S. A. Burlaka, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Assistant of the Chair of General Technical Disciplines and Labor Protection

Yu. V. Humeniuk, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Agrarian Management

O. O. Galuschak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Automobile and Transport Managemen


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Abstract views: 253



How to Cite

S. A. . Burlaka, Y. V. . Humeniuk, and O. O. . Galuschak, “Potential of Using Straw Grain Crops as Biofuel”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 57–64, Dec. 2020.






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