Influence of a Chaotic Change of Flow Rate of Petroleum Product on the Accuracy of the Coriolis Flowmeter


  • O. M. Vasilevskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • D. М. Kompanets Vinnytsia National Technical University



Coriolis flowmeter, automated pouring system, accuracy, flow rate


Modern automated pouring systems have been used at tank farm for the release of petroleum products. The main physical quantities for the accounting of release of petroleum products are weight, volume, density and temperature. There is a large number of methods and means, the so-called flow meters, to measure these physical quantities. One of the most common, versatile and accurate is the mass flowmeter of liquid which is built on the principle of Coriolis forces, since mass measurement is direct. However, the use of Coriolis flowmeters to measure the flow of petroleum products has a number of factors that can affect the accuracy of mass measurement and flow density. Such factors, for example, may be the appearance of two phases of the flow, or the rupture of the flow rate. Therefore, there is a need to control and create conditions for the movement of the flow of petroleum products in the pipeline in which, this flow meter will correspond to the required accuracy of measurement.

The main metrological characteristics of modern automated pouring systems at tank farm are considered. The requirements for the accuracy of measuring of mass consumption of petroleum products at tank farm are analyzed.

An experimental research of the automated pouring system with Coriolis flowmeter are performed at a randomly change and unchanged rate of the measured flow of petroleum products to detect the effect on the accuracy of measurement by the Coriolis flowmeter as part of the system. The article includes a structural diagram of the experimental equipment. Processing of measurement results is done. Methods for controlling the parameters of the measured flow of petroleum products in the pipeline at the input and output of the Coriolis flowmeter are proposed.

Author Biographies

O. M. Vasilevskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Metrology and Industrial Automation

D. М. Kompanets, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Metrology and Industrial Automation


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How to Cite

O. M. . Vasilevskyi and Kompanets D. М. ., “Influence of a Chaotic Change of Flow Rate of Petroleum Product on the Accuracy of the Coriolis Flowmeter”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 14–20, Feb. 2021.



Automation and information-measuring equipment



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