Scientific Research of the Influence of Wire Parameters on the Operating Modes of 110 kV Overhead Lines


  • V. V. Cherkashyna National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»
  • V. M. Baklytskyi National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»; LLC «Shid-Electros, Kharkivervice»



The article considers possibility using eddy current methods, non-destructive testing, in the power industry for contactless measurement instant parameters wires overhead power lines. There have been analyzed, with applied amplitude and phase methods of non-destructive testing, the change instant parameters of steel- aluminum wires with cross-section 240/32 mm2, which are mostly used for overhead power lines 110 kV. Made experimental research have revealed, that with increasing mechanical stresses on the wire and increasing its temperature decreases the electrical conductivity of the wire and increases its resistivity and, accordingly, increases the active resistance of the wire. The results of the presented experimental measurements show that the applied mechanical force on the wire leads to its elongation, in result it increased sagging and possible breakage of the wire, what complicates the operation mode of the line, and with increasing active resistance of the wire at constant current load, decreases transmitted power, and its losses increase, which affects the capacity of power line. To confirm this, using the experimental data, analyzed the capacity of power line and loss of active power of the 110 kV overhead line. The calculation of the relative error confirms the reliability of the results. The researches, which is based on experimental determinations of the influence of mechanical stresses and temperature on the parameters of the steel-aluminum wire with cross-section 240/32 mm2, substantiates the feasibility of using eddy current methods (non- destructive testing), namely the joint use of amplitude and phase methods for contactless measurement of instant parameters overhead power lines wires, for improving operation modes management of electrical networks in real time.

Author Biographies

V. V. Cherkashyna, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Electric Power Transmission

V. M. Baklytskyi, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»; LLC «Shid-Electros, Kharkivervice»

Design-engineer LLC «Shid-Electroservice»; Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Electric Power


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How to Cite

V. V. Cherkashyna and V. M. Baklytskyi, “Scientific Research of the Influence of Wire Parameters on the Operating Modes of 110 kV Overhead Lines”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 32–37, Dec. 2021.






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