Models of Reactive Power Compensation in Electrical Networks on the Basis of Spatial-Temporal Decomposition


  • O. D. Demov Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O. V. Babenko Vinnytsia National Technical University



reactive power, electric network, space-time decomposition, reactive power compensation


According to the directives on the calculation of reactive power compensation (RPC) in electrical networks, its calculation is based on solving the problem simultaneously for the entire electrical network. This approach encourages the division of the electrical network in the optimization of reactive power flows into parts (spatial decomposition of the electrical network), as well as the phased implementation of compensating installations (temporal decomposition of the implementation process CI). Spatial decomposition is performed on the basis of the division of the function of losses created by the reactive load of one node into own and total losses, which simplifies this calculation. Temporary decomposition is based on the division of the loss function in the establishment of CI on: reduction of losses at this stage of implementation of these installations and in subsequent stages. This makes it possible to carry out a phased calculation of RPC. Obviously, whatever the state of the network as a result of the previous steps of the CI implementation, we must choose the implementation in the next step so that it, together with the implementation in all subsequent steps provides the maximum reduction of losses during the implementation period. This shows the independence of the establishment of the CI at each stage and, accordingly, the temporal decomposition of the process of implementation of the CI. Thus, the values of the capacities of the CI, which provide the maximum reduction of losses at one stage of their implementation, do not depend on the reactive loads and network parameters of other stages. The conducted researches allow to draw the following conclusions: a) the optimal reactive flows of separate lines of networks do not depend on reactive loadings of other lines that gives the chance to carry out spatial decomposition of these networks; b) the values of CI capacities, which provide the maximum reduction of power losses in the electrical network at one stage of CI implementation, do not depend on reactive loads and network parameters of other stages, which allows temporary decomposition of this implementation.

Author Biographies

O. D. Demov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Electrical Power Consumption Systems and Energy Management

O. V. Babenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Electrical Power Consumption Systems and Energy Management


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Abstract views: 131



How to Cite

O. D. Demov and O. V. Babenko, “Models of Reactive Power Compensation in Electrical Networks on the Basis of Spatial-Temporal Decomposition”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 77–81, Dec. 2021.






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