Overview of 3D Geometric Control Methods Dimensions of Details


  • Yo. Yo. Bilynskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • S. M. Zhivotivskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University




3D scanning, polygonal grid, laser, image processing


A review of methods for controlling the geometric dimensions of parts and subjects, which allowed to assess the shortcomings of the methods, and select the most promising method for further improvement. With the development of 3D production technology, 3D scanning of objects has become necessary, including medical and biological ones, which can be transferred to a computer environment in a short time using optical 3D scanners instead of 3D modeling. 3D scanning allows you to digitize 3D objects and transfer them to digital format, as well as determine its geometric dimensions. Corrections can be made to the digitized model, and new forms can be added to the model as needed. Modern image processing facilities are increasingly used in many areas, such as new 3D scanning technologies in both industrial and medical fields. Do not forget that the collection of 3D data is important for other applications. Yes, they are needed in the entertainment industry to make movies and video games. This technology is also in demand in industrial design, orthopedics and prosthetics, reverse engineering, prototyping, as well as for quality control, inspection and documentation of cultural artifacts. To sync and connect with a simple cable and have software. Assembling and connecting the necessary skills or tools, however, takes less than five minutes to build a model. Individual components are light and compact, making them convenient to pack and unpack when traveling and scanning outside the lab. Production technology is carried out using computer automation of manufacturing methods. For this reason, the products are still designed in a computer environment at the stage of design, analysis, virtual reality, modeling, mold design and more. They use computer programs. It is necessary to create 3D CAD data of the product. Digitization systems are mainly used in the manufacturing sector to create CAD parts data without 3D data or for quality control, which is why the methods require more detailed consideration.

Author Biographies

Yo. Yo. Bilynskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor of the Chair of General Physics

S. M. Zhivotivskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of the Department of Power Engineering and Electromechanics


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How to Cite

Y. Y. Bilynskyi and S. M. Zhivotivskyi, “Overview of 3D Geometric Control Methods Dimensions of Details”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 114–122, Apr. 2022.



Radioelectronics and radioelectronic equipment manufacturing



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