Microwave Methods and Means of Humidity Measurement Natural Gas


  • Yo. Yo. Bilynskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. V. Krasnosielskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University




dew point temperature determination methods, natural gas, condensation methods, hygrometer


It is established that the most informative and meaningful indicator of humidity in gas hygrometry is the value of dew point temperature — the value of gas temperature at which water vapor contained in isobarically cooled gas becomes saturated above the flat surface of water. Regulatory documents often indicate the dew point temperature of moisture, as this figure is informative. When operating main gas pipelines, it is very important to know the true value of such an indicator of natural gas quality as humidity. When gas dehumidifiers are ineffective, moisture condenses on the inner surface of the main gas pipeline and gas equipment. The latter becomes a source of serious problems: capacity is reduced, there are conditions for the formation of crystal hydrates. Issues related to the existing main methods of measuring the humidity of the gas, their classification, according to which the measurement methods are divided into evaporative-psychrometric, sorption, condensation, physical, chemical and physico-chemical. The state of the issue of gas humidity measurement methods is analyzed, the main shortcomings of the methods are identified and the main issues of the dew point methods are analyzed. The condensation method for measuring gas humidity is the most suitable for use in the gas industry. The review of gas humidity measuring instruments by dew point temperature is performed, the physical bases of measurement processes and their shortcomings are analyzed. Currently known methods of measuring gas humidity do not allow to achieve the required accuracy and speed of humidity measurement, provided that it is the most important parameter for determining gas quality, due to the complexity of measurement due to additional components in the gas and aggressive environment. It also makes it difficult to measure two or more humidity indicators at the same time. Taking into account all the above shortcomings, it is necessary to further improve and refine the method of measuring and determining the dew point temperature of natural gas.

Author Biographies

Yo. Yo. Bilynskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Physics

V. V. Krasnosielskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Physics


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How to Cite

Y. Y. Bilynskyi and V. V. Krasnosielskyi, “Microwave Methods and Means of Humidity Measurement Natural Gas”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 87–99, Jun. 2022.



Radioelectronics and radioelectronic equipment manufacturing



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