Development Directions of Means of Inclusive Education in Electronic Educational Systems


  • Ye. A. Palamarchuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O. O. Kovalenko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O. I. Chereshniuk Vinnytsia National Technical University



inclusive education, special educational needs, electronic learning systems


Technology has significant but largely untapped potential to support inclusive education for people with disabilities and other minority groups.

In particular, it can provide a variety of means of presentation, representation and expression of learning, and enables students with disabilities to overcome barriers they would otherwise face in participating in the curriculum. It also has the potential to increase satisfaction and motivation.

Distance education has the potential to increase access to education, but it should not come at the expense of ensuring the availability of institutional education. However, not all initiatives take into account the needs of people with disabilities.

The need to control the educational process, namely the knowledge gained in the learning process for inclusive people, is shown, and the differences in evaluating the results of the classroom and distance mode of learning are highlighted.

In this article, we will consider the technologies of artificial intelligence, inclusive education in electronic educational systems (ELS) that can improve the education process.

The general concept of inclusive education is described both in ENS and classrooms, the role of teachers and parents is considered. The considered types of inclusions, their features and requirements

The main principles of building inclusion systems, their functions and features are considered. Advantages and disadvantages of inclusive education methods are considered and analyzed.

The integration of inclusive education in electronic educational systems is analyzed on the example of other countries.

Considered the classification and types of inclusive disorder in people with ASD and their requirements for electronic devices.

The software of ENS IO, which should be based on the application of adaptive technologies and elements of artificial intelligence in inclusive education for both teachers and students in the electronic space, is considered and given.

The relevance of the development trend of inclusive education in electronic educational systems and problems that can be solved with the help of programs, parents and teachers are shown.

Keywords: inclusive education, special educational needs, electronic learning systems.

Author Biographies

Ye. A. Palamarchuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Automation and Intelligent Information Technologie

O. O. Kovalenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Software Engineering

O. I. Chereshniuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Automation and Intelligent Information Technologies


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How to Cite

Y. A. Palamarchuk, O. O. Kovalenko, and O. I. Chereshniuk, “Development Directions of Means of Inclusive Education in Electronic Educational Systems”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 100–105, Jun. 2023.



Strategy, content and new technologies of traning specialists at higher education institutions



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