Choosing the Optimum Configuration of Electric Distribution Grids


  • M. Yo. Burbelo Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Yu. V. Loboda Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • R. O. Slobodian Vinnytsia National Technical University



electrical network, optimization, active power losses, reliability indicators


The article presents algorithms for optimizing the configuration of distribution electric grids according to the criterion of minimum losses of active power and reliability indicators, taking into account the limitations: the maximum permissible deviation of the voltage in the load nodes and the maximum permissible value of the current in the power transmission lines.

The optimization algorithm of a separate feeder based on the minimum active power loss criterion, which is based on the sensitivity analysis of the reduction of active power losses or electricity losses, is considered. The optimization procedure, which consists in closing the chord and opening the branch of the tree, is based on choosing to open the most distant branch that is included in this independent circuit (the chord and the branch that is opened are located on the branches that are connected to the same node). The initial orientation when selecting branches for opening is based on the calculation of the closed grid. Branches with relatively small currents are defined as potentially optimal for opening. To automatically determine the structure of the feeder tree, a matrix of contours is used, which are represented by a list of branches included in the contours. The exchange of branches is carried out according to the affiliation of chords and branches potentially optimal for opening to the same circuits.

Since 10 kV distribution grids, as a rule, function as radial grids with installed open line disconnectors for redundant connection of feeders to each other, this algorithm can be applied to optimize a group of feeders. The paper presents the optimization algorithm of several feeders on the example of Khmelnytskyi REM according to the criterion of minimum electricity losses and indicators of reliability of electricity supply to consumers. The optimization algorithm of several feeders is based on the optimization algorithm of a single feeder, supplemented by a check of restrictions on the maximum values of voltage losses in load nodes and maximum load currents of power transmission lines.

Author Biographies

M. Yo. Burbelo, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Electrical Systems of Power and Energy Management

Yu. V. Loboda, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Chair of Electrical Systems of Power and Energy Management

R. O. Slobodian, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Electrical Systems of Power and Energy Management


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Abstract views: 116



How to Cite

M. Y. Burbelo, Y. V. Loboda, and R. O. Slobodian, “Choosing the Optimum Configuration of Electric Distribution Grids ”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 23–29, Dec. 2023.






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