Modern Approaches to Reactive Power Compensation in AC Traction Power Supply Systems


  • M. O. Shpilievyi Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro
  • D. O. Bosyi Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro
  • A. V. Antonov Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro
  • D. R. Zemskyi Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro
  • A. V. Reznyk LLC Industrial Special Engineering “PROMSPECIENGINEERING”, Dnipro



reactive power, compensation, traction power supply,, energy efficiency, measurement results, FACTS (Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System), harmonic distortion, power factor


The article considers the problem of reactive power compensation in AC traction power supply systems, which is of particular importance in the context of the energy crisis caused by military actions, which is relevant for Ukraine. Reactive power is an important component of electric networks, which significantly affects the stability and quality of power supply. The article highlights the impact of reactive power on the efficiency of traction substations serving railway transport. Special attention is paid to the technical aspects of the problem and the analysis of the effectiveness of existing compensation methods, which is critically important for reducing electricity losses and increasing the overall efficiency of power supply systems. In conditions of outdated equipment and limited resources, the problem becomes more complicated, which requires the implementation of modern technological solutions.

The paper analyzes main methods and devices for compensation of reactive power, in particular, such as capacitor units and synchronous compensators, as well as the use of modern technologies of flexible alternating current transmission systems (FACTS). Particular attention is paid to experimental studies conducted at a real traction substation, where reactive power was measured and the effectiveness of compensating devices was shown. Research results show that reactive power compensation allows to significantly reduce energy losses, improve the quality of electricity and increase the stability of the network.

The article also discusses the prospects of implementing FACTS systems for dynamically regulating reactive power and improving the operation of electrical networks. The use of these systems can significantly increase the reliability and efficiency of the power system, especially in the context of the integration of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power plants. This will ensure reliable power supply in critical conditions and increase the efficiency of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.

Author Biographies

M. O. Shpilievyi, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies, Dnipro

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Intelligent Energy Supply Systems

D. O. Bosyi, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro

 Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Intelligent Power Supply Systems

A. V. Antonov, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Intelligent Power Supply Systems

D. R. Zemskyi, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology, Dnipro

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Intelligent Power Supply Systems

A. V. Reznyk, LLC Industrial Special Engineering “PROMSPECIENGINEERING”, Dnipro

Chief Engineer of Industrial Special Engineering LLC


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Abstract views: 9



How to Cite

M. O. Shpilievyi, D. O. . Bosyi, A. V. Antonov, D. R. . Zemskyi, and A. V. Reznyk, “Modern Approaches to Reactive Power Compensation in AC Traction Power Supply Systems”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 34–44, Dec. 2024.






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