Use of the conductivity relay to detect phase conductor breakage in networks 110–220 kV


  • M. Y. Burbelo Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • S. M. Melnychuk State Enterprise “NPC “Ukrenergo” SU Southwestern Electric Power System


електричні мережі, релейний захист, неповнофазний режим, провідність


The article offers protection of unbalance conductivity of the individual phases. The principle of operation, the choice of form zones and settings relay of conductivity for building protection against unbalance networks 110220 kV are substantiated in the paper. The validity of assumptions is verified according to experimental data. The features of the application of the protection of conductivity in the networks of various configurations are analyzed. Determination of sensitiveness and verification of selectivity of protection on conductivity are executed.

Author Biographies

M. Y. Burbelo, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Electrical Systems of Power and Energy Management

S. M. Melnychuk, State Enterprise “NPC “Ukrenergo” SU Southwestern Electric Power System

Head of the Sector of Relay Protection


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Abstract views: 184



How to Cite

M. Y. Burbelo and S. M. Melnychuk, “Use of the conductivity relay to detect phase conductor breakage in networks 110–220 kV”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 40–44, Mar. 2015.



Energy generation and electrical engineering



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