Game approach to decision-making for the development of information systems


  • V. M. Dubovoi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • H. Yu. Derman Vinnytsia National Technical University


The game approach for decision-making to the development of information systems is developed in the article. The model of the problem of decision-making considering prediction based on multivariable regression method is presented. The example of base of knowledge for predicting the impact of development of information system on the state of the environment was shown. For estimating the performance of the functions of information systems multiplicative criterion was used, for estimating the level of developing an additive criterion was used. The activity diagram to calculate the elements of the payment matrix that is used to solve the game by dynamic programming is suggested in the paper.

Author Biographies

V. M. Dubovoi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Chair Department of Computer Systems,

H. Yu. Derman, Vinnytsia National Technical University

graduate student, Department of Computer Systems,


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Abstract views: 151

How to Cite

V. M. Dubovoi and H. Y. Derman, “Game approach to decision-making for the development of information systems”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 67–73, Oct. 2013.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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