Experimental Research of the Process of Cold Gasdynamic Coating and Method of Calculation of Its Modes


  • O. L. Haidamak Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. I. Savuliak Vinnytsia National Technical University


gas dinamic evaporation device, coating, method of calculation modes


The Department of technology of elevation of Vinnytsia National Technical University, developed and produced research installation for the gasdynamic application of functional coatings. The principle of its action is based on the fact that the powder particles are dispersed to high velocities close to the speed of sound, and in contact with the lining come with her in molecular bonding and are able to form a strong connection with the latest and between the particles of the powder. In this case, the temperature of the particulate particles that are sprayed is lower than the melting point. There have been studied regularities of formation of shapes, spraying, its profile and size depending on the distance of spraying. It has been found out that the figure of spraying is almost symmetrical relative to its axis and its profile in the General case can be described by the law of the Gaussian distribution. Gaussian distribution with a uniquely describes the profile shape spraying. The average cumulative relative accuracy Gaussian function does not exceed 9,5 %. According to the results there have been built graphic dependences of geometric parameters of the shape spraying from a distance of spraying. Is has been found that with increased height figures spraying up to 0,4 mm is optimum will step between adjacent passages will be 56 % of the diameter of the basics figure spraying. With increasing height to 0,54 mm optimal step between passages decreases and is 48 % of the diameter of the basics figure spraying. Based on the results of the study there have been suggested engineering calculation modes of coating. It is established that the formation of the shape deposition occurs in accordance with the law of the normal distribution and the dimensions of the shape deposition depend on distance of spraying. Method of calculation modes of coating allows to define, depending on the performance of the evaporation device, speed, move the device along the details, the speed of rotation of details, the required amount of powder to cover set surface, while spraying. The particular example of calculation modes of spraying is given.

Author Biographies

O. L. Haidamak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor of the Chair of Wear-endurance Technology

V. I. Savuliak, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Wear-endurance Technology


А. П. Алхімов, С. В. Клинков, В. Ф. Косарев, та В. М. Фомин, под ред. В. М. Фомина, Холодное газодинамическое напыление. Теория и практика. Москва: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2010. 536 с.

О. Л. Гайдамак, «Пристрій для газодинамічного нанесення покриттів з радіальною подачею порошкового матеріалу,» Пат. 110552 Україна, МПК C 23 C 24/04.; No а201405543, заявл. 23.05.14, опубл. 12.01.16, бюл. № 1.


Abstract views: 164



How to Cite

O. L. Haidamak and V. I. Savuliak, “Experimental Research of the Process of Cold Gasdynamic Coating and Method of Calculation of Its Modes”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 88–94, Aug. 2018.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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