Research on the Feasibility of Performing Routine Maintenance and Repair Works in Taxi Motor Enterprises


  • M. V. Mytko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • Yu. F. Savin National Transport University, Kyiv



cars, motor transport, enterprises (MTE), cost of delivery, cost of work execution, maintenance, current repair, centralized-specialized production



The development of automotive transportation in Ukraine and the increase in the number of motor transport enterprises, especially those with a small number of vehicles, pose new challenges in organizing maintenance and current repair of the vehicle rolling stock. The current production structure may not always effectively meet these demands, leading to the need for developing new approaches and strategies. Some key aspects to be taken into account in this process include reforming the production infrastructure to support the operational condition of the vehicle rolling stock.

To enhance the efficiency of motor transport enterprises, the structure of its production units for maintenance and current repair (CR) of vehicles should be determined by the volume of work, taking into account the cost of their execution. In case it is deemed inefficient to establish or maintain separate production units in taxi- motor enterprises, particularly for routine maintenance and repair works of vehicles, such tasks should be carried out at other specialized automobile service enterprises.

This work presents the analysis of the results of experimental research on the feasibility of establishing production units for performing routine maintenance and repair works in taxi MTE, depending on the volumes of these works and their cost of execution at the enterprise. Therefore, it is proposed to consider certain minimum volumes of work on the maintenance and repair of vehicles, which could help address the issue of potential excessive costs associated with maintaining an in-house production and technical base when it is not feasible to perform such work at one’s own motor transport enterprise.

One of the important aspects in improving the structure of production units in taxi motor enterprises is determining the minimum volumes of maintenance and current repair works for the vehicle rolling stock, at which it is feasible to perform the works at the enterprise.

Author Biographies

M. V. Mytko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Lecturer of the Chair of Automobiles and Transport Management

Yu. F. Savin, National Transport University, Kyiv

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Technical Maintenance of Vehicles and Servicing


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How to Cite

M. V. Mytko and Y. F. Savin, “Research on the Feasibility of Performing Routine Maintenance and Repair Works in Taxi Motor Enterprises”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 87–93, Apr. 2024.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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