Plant-growing Activity of the Complexes of Copper(II) with Some Thioamides


  • N. O. Didenko National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University
  • A. P. Ranskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University


plant-growing activity, thioamides, coordination compounds of Copper(II)


The plant-growing activity of the coordination compounds of Copper(II) with aromatic and heterocyclic thioamides on some agriculture plants (wheat, corn, sunflower and salad) has been investigated. As potential plant growth promoters, the coordination compounds of Copper(II) with deprotonated ligands based on aromatic (N-p-anisylthiobenzamide) and heterocyclic (N-phenylpyridine-2-carbothioamide) thioamides have been investigated. In experiments, indole-3-acetic acid was used as a standard plant-growing regulator. To compare the plant-growing activity of pure thioamides with the corresponding coordination compounds, p-toluidide of thiobenzoic acid has been investigated. Control samples have not been processed by products.

The plant-growing activity has been determined by the germination of the seeds of some agricultural plants, the increase of the mass of their seedlings, the length of the 2nd internode and the increase of the raw vegetative mass. The laboratory germination of the seeds of wheat, corn, sunflower and salad increased in comparison with the control sample in 1,10…1,47 times, with the standard — in 1,08…1,38 times and with the thioamide — in 1,02…1,11 times. It has been determined that the optimal concentration, in which the best parameters of plant-growing activity of the investigated compounds on seeds and seedlings of wheat, corn, sunflower and salad are recorded, is the concentration of 10 mg/l.

In the greenhouse conditions there has been studied the effect of the investigated compounds on the length of the second internode of the seedlings and the increase of the raw vegetative mass of bean germs after their treatment with doses of 4 mg/volume (5 kg/ha) and 0,025 mg/volume (0,031 kg/ha). According to the obtained results, the optimal dose of products was determined as 0,031 kg/ha. Treatment of bean germs with doses of 4 mg/volume (5 kg/ha) in comparison with control sample practically did not affect the amount of raw vegetative mass that grew after treatment, and led to a decrease in the length of the second internode of the seedlings in all cases.

It has been concluded that the investigated coordination compounds of Copper(II) with deprotonated ligands based on aromatic and heterocyclic thioamides have a well-expressed plant-growing activity and can be recommended for advanced studies of their biological activity.

Author Biographies

N. O. Didenko, National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University

Cand. Sc. (Chem.), Assistant Professor of the Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

A. P. Ranskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Chem.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Chemistry and Chemical Technology


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How to Cite

N. O. Didenko and A. P. Ranskyi, “Plant-growing Activity of the Complexes of Copper(II) with Some Thioamides”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 28–35, Aug. 2018.



Ecology, ecological cybernetics and chemical technologies



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