Estimation of Economic Losses through Premature Death Rate of Popula-tion of Ukraine of Capable Working Age


  • I. V. Zaiukov Vinnytsia National Technical University



economic table of death rate, potential demography, production, consumption, self-preservation of health


Actuality of the article is related to the fact that prevalence of infectious diseases and death rate, in particular through the inefficient way of life, like the excessive use of alcohol, tobacco, stresses and other external (exogenous) reasons, acquire in the world of scales an epidemic and result in the losses of economy. Therefore, the estimation of losses of GDP through a premature death rate due to the factors of behavior acquires an important value. The aim of the article is the estimation of economic losses through the premature death rate of population of Ukraine of capable working age for exogenous (factors of behavior) reasons.

The economic table of death rate (on the basis of calculation of vital potential of population of capable working age) is built. The estimation of volumes of consumption and production in every age-related group of capable of working citizens and conducted calculation of economic losses are carried out through the extraordinarily high death rate of capable working population as a result of exogenous reasons. Attention is accented on the problem of high level of morbidity and death rate, including due to violation of rules of travelling motion, excessive use of alcohol, tobacco, suicide and others like that, that presents a huge danger for functioning of economy of Ukraine. Losses are expected in men-years for the population of capable working age on external reasons of death. The ponderable direction of reduction of economic losses through a premature death rate is motivation of population of Ukraine, especially their productive part to self-preservation of health. Hypothetical socio-economic effects are expected to Ukraine due to the increase of level of self-preservation of population of capable of working age. It is found out, that huge backlogs for development of economy is an economy of principal items of charges of Fund of social security of Ukraine, in particular from reduction of level of productive traumatism and morbidity of citizens.

Author Biography

I. V. Zaiukov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Life Safety and Safety Education


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Abstract views: 260



How to Cite

I. V. Zaiukov, “Estimation of Economic Losses through Premature Death Rate of Popula-tion of Ukraine of Capable Working Age”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 25–32, Nov. 2018.



Economics and management



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