Ways to Reduce Energy and Environmental Components in the Production of Autoclaw Air Concrete


  • V. R. Serdiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • D. H. Rudchenko LLC “Aerok”




autoclave aerated concrete, performance properties, energy efficiency, thermal conductivity


The state policy of energy efficiency in the construction sector of Ukraine is investigated. The environmental effects of greenhouse gas emissions from the production of major energy-intensive building materials are shown. Also, the problem of energy resources reduction for hooting houses is analyzed. One of the most energy effective building materials is autoclaved aerated concrete. This material has the current trends of reduction of Ukraine’s energy dependency and environmental restrictions related to greenhouse gas emissions.

In Ukraine, the share of low-rise housing by analogy with developed countries of the world is increased. This tendency requires more quantity of wall materials, which are characteristics of higher indicators of energy efficiency.

The dynamics of autoclave aerated concrete production, as a modern energy efficient wall material in Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation are presented. The basic tendencies of quality improvement and operational characteristics improvement of autoclaved aerated concrete are revealed (example of LLC “Aerok”).

The main approaches and recommendations for reducing the energy component in the production of autoclaved aerated concrete and cement are identified.

The data on the necessity of adaptation of the normative base of construction to the requirements of EU countries are given.

Author Biographies

V. R. Serdiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Urban Development and Architecture

D. H. Rudchenko, LLC “Aerok”

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), General Director


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Abstract views: 219



How to Cite

V. R. Serdiuk and D. H. Rudchenko, “Ways to Reduce Energy and Environmental Components in the Production of Autoclaw Air Concrete”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 20–26, Apr. 2020.



Civil engineering



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