Use of Removal Ash Burshtynskaya TPP in Technology of Autoclave Concrete Production


  • V. R. Serdiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • D. G. Rudchenko LLC “Aerok”
  • D. V. Hudz LLC “Aerok



autoclaved aerated concrete, use of removal ash, mineral additives


This paper analyzes the trends in the production of autoclaved aerated concrete. Autoclaved aerated concrete is an effective structural and heat-insulating wall material. Its share in the wall materials of Ukraine is 53 % . Reducing the energy consumption of its production is primarily aimed at reducing the content of the clinker component in the mineral binder aerated concrete mixture. It is shown that in the conditions of growing ecological and energy requirements the production of cements with the increased content of mineral additives constantly grows. In the production of cement, additives of limestone, fly ash, blast furnace granulated slag are used. It is assumed that in the production of cement in 2050, the clinker content will average 70 %. The comparative experience of ash removal in European countries and Ukraine is given. There has been studied the effect of the addition of ash-removal in complex with quartz sand as a hybrid component of aerated concrete mixtures brand D400 and D300. The optimal amount of quartz component replacement with Burshtyn TPP removal ash has been established. The increase in the compressive and bending strength of autoclaved aerated concrete obtained using a hybrid siliceous component is explained by the formation of a mixture of low-basic calcium hydrosilicates and hydro-garnets during autoclave treatment.

Author Biographies

V. R. Serdiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Municipal Economy Construction and Architecture

D. G. Rudchenko, LLC “Aerok”

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), General Director

D. V. Hudz, LLC “Aerok



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Abstract views: 209



How to Cite

V. R. . Serdiuk, D. G. . Rudchenko, and D. V. . Hudz, “Use of Removal Ash Burshtynskaya TPP in Technology of Autoclave Concrete Production”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 24–31, Apr. 2021.



Civil engineering



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