Analysis of the Obtained Frequency Characteristics of Power Transformers and Determination of its Technical Conditions with their Help


  • O. Ye. Rubanenko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • О. О. Rubanenko Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • M. О. Hryshchuk LLC «Ukrayinski tekhnolohichni produkty»



diagnosing, technical condition, transformer, frequency response


The decommissioned 10 kV power transformers, which are stored at the repair sites of JSC "Vinnytsiaoblenergo", among others, are damage to the windings and magnetic circuit, which can be detected by analyzing the frequency characteristics of the transformer. An exemplary graph of the frequency response of a power transformer used in the diagnostic process may be a graph showing the average values of the test signal transfer factor of the FRAnalizer through a power transformer for different types of serviceable transformers depending on the frequency of the test signal. Only those transmission measurement results are taken into account and only the number of measurements in which the deviation of the current values does not exceed the FRAnalizer error (2 %). The frequency of the test signal, which must be taken into account for detecting a defect, corresponds to the frequency at which the deviation of the value of the transmission coefficient of the frequency response of the transformer under study differs from the value of the transmission coefficient (frequency response built from the average values of the same type of serviceable transformers) by more than 2 %. Determining the value of the informative frequency, which correlates with the defect, is carried out by own observations and analysis of literature sources. On the example of the studied power transformer type TMG 1000/10 U1 its actual technical condition is established. However, in the frequency range 6060…7010 Hz, abrupt deviations were observed, which are proposed to be preliminarily removed from the calculations, considering them to be mistakes.

Author Biographies

O. Ye. Rubanenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Power Plants and Systems

О. О. Rubanenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of the Chair of Power Plants and Systems

M. О. Hryshchuk, LLC «Ukrayinski tekhnolohichni produkty»

PhD, Leading Energy Engineer


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How to Cite

O. Y. Rubanenko, Rubanenko О. О., and Hryshchuk M. О., “Analysis of the Obtained Frequency Characteristics of Power Transformers and Determination of its Technical Conditions with their Help”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 76–84, Apr. 2021.






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