Investigation of Heat Exchange in the Volume of Two-Phase Liquid under the Conditions of its Forced Convection


  • O. V. Vlasenko Vinnytsia National Technical University



two-phase liquid, regular heat regime, non-stationary heat exchange, cooling rate (heating), heat transfer coefficient


The expediency of using the methods of regular thermal regime under non-stationary thermal processes in the system "environment — solid (set of solids)" to determine the thermophysical parameters of solids and heat transfer intensity is known.

The purpose of this study is to establish the possibility of the existence of a regular thermal regime during cooling (heating) of a two-phase liquid — supernatant in a thin-walled cylindrical vessel with forced convection.

The heat exchange in the conditions of cooling (heating) of two - phase liquids at the forced convection for a possibility of realization of a regular thermal mode is investigated.

It was determined that for the period of time under study, the ratio for excess temperature, which is characteristic of the regular thermal regime in solids, is maintained.

The obtained experimental data establish the expediency of applying the theory of regular heat regime to determine the intensity of heat exchange to two-phase liquids during cooling (heating) under conditions of forced convection. The results of calculation of cooling rate (heating), heat transfer coefficients are presented. The existence of a regular thermal regime in a two-phase liquid has been established.

Experimental and theoretical studies are conducted for the further development of the experimental calculation method, which is required in the study of heat transfer of media with unknown or partially known information on thermophysical properties and rheological behavior. The results of solving heat exchange problems in a limited volume are planned to be used in solving real technological problems.

Author Biography

O. V. Vlasenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Heat Power Engineering


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Abstract views: 150



How to Cite

O. V. . Vlasenko, “Investigation of Heat Exchange in the Volume of Two-Phase Liquid under the Conditions of its Forced Convection”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 14–20, Feb. 2022.






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