Relative Evaluation of Balancing Means of Electric Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources


  • P. D. Lezhniuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. О. Komar Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • L. N. Dobrovolska Lutsk National Technical University
  • K. О. Povstianko Northern Territorial Department of NEC "Ukrenergo"



power system, renewable energy sources, instability of generation, means of reservation, similarity theory, criterion method


The method of research of measures of compensation of instability of generation of renewable energy sources in electric power systems is developed in the work. The process of electricity generation by solar and wind power plants depends on natural conditions, which causes problems in the process of balancing regimes in the power system. It is unrealistic for them to fulfill the planned and approved generation schedule for the next day. For this reason, the power system is forced to keep a reserve of power to compensate for deviations of renewable energy sources from the projected generation schedule. Since these deviations can be both to a greater or lesser extent than permissible, it accordingly forms the means to balance the regimes of the power system. The general system reserve is mainly used (mainly shunting capacities of thermal and hydroelectric power plants). As the reserve is not enough, to use the currently available means of electricity backup, so additionally use: electrochemical energy storage, hydrogen and biogas technologies. Mathematical models based on the theory of similarity and the criterion method have been developed to analyze the technical and economic efficiency of individual means of reservation. This method is preferable because, with the least available source information, it makes it possible to compare different ways of backing up the instability of renewable energy production, assess their proportionality and determine the cost sensitivity to the power of backup methods. Such dependencies make it possible to choose more reasonably at the first stage certain methods of redundancy in accordance with the characteristics and requirements of the electricity system. They can be clarified if the current and short-term price indicators are known.

Author Biographies

P. D. Lezhniuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Power Plants and Systems

V. О. Komar, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Head of the Chair of Power Plants and Systems

L. N. Dobrovolska, Lutsk National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Electrical Engineering

K. О. Povstianko, Northern Territorial Department of NEC "Ukrenergo"

Engineer of the Department  of Operational Management


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How to Cite

P. D. Lezhniuk, Komar V. О., L. N. Dobrovolska, and Povstianko K. О., “Relative Evaluation of Balancing Means of Electric Power Systems with Renewable Energy Sources”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 24–30, Jun. 2022.






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