Evaluation of Influence of Sanitary and Radiative Indicators on Ecological Safety of Rivne Region


  • O. V. Varzhel Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • V. A. Ishchenko Vinnytsia National Technical University




microelements, heavy metals, caesium-137, radon, ecological safety, risk, threat, danger, measures


The article gives research data of indicators of sanitary state of the soils in Rivne region as for the content of microelements and heavy metals, such as boron, manganese, zinc, cupre, plumb, cadmium, and radiative state as for the content of caesium-137 in soils, the density of radon flow out of their surface, the level of its ecological safety.

It is recommended to carry out estimation of the state of ecological safety of the districts, as for indicators stimulators of the content of boron and manganese microelements in soils, according to dependencies which have the form of increasing parabolas of the second order, but as for indicators destimulators of the content of zinc, cupre, plumb, cadmium, caesium-137, the density of radon flow, it is recommended to use dependencies which have the form of descending parabolas of the second order.

It is ascertained that ecological safety as for the content of boron is estimated by the following categories: 15 districts as “safety”, one district as “risk”, as for the content of manganese — by the categories 15 districts as “safety”, one district as “risk”; as for the content of zink — by the category “safety” — 16 districts; as for the content of plumb 15 districts — as “safety”, one district as “threat”, as for the content of cupre — by the categories “safety” 12 districts, “risk” — 1, “threat” 3 districts, as for the content of cadmium by the category “safety” — 16 districts.

According to aggregated indices of ecological safety, sanitary state of region soils is estimated by quantitative and qualitative indices, namely, in Polissia zone from 0,85 to 0,91, that corresponds to 7 districts of the category “safety”, and in Forest and Steppe zone from 0,72 to 0,91, that also corresponds to the category “safety” for 9 districts.

As for the content of caesium-137, ecological safety of the soils in Polissia zone is estimated by the following categories: 2 districts as “safety”, one — as “risk”, 2 districts as “threat”, 2 districts as “danger”, but in Forest and Steppe zone 9 districts are estimated as “safety”. As for the size of density of radon flow out of the soils surface in Polissia zone, ecological safety is estimated by the following categories: 6 districts as “safety”, one — as “threat” and in Forest and Steppe zone 3 districts as “risk”, 5 — as “threat”, one district as “danger”.

According to aggregated indices of ecological safety of radiactive state of region soils it is estimated by quantitative and qualitative indices, namely, in Polissia zone from 0,27 to 0,81, that corresponds to the category “safety” for 3 districts, “risk” — for 2 districts, “threat” for 2 districts, and in Forest and Steppe zone from 0,62 to 0,80, that corresponds to the category “safety” for 3 districts, “risk” for 6 districts.

In order to reduce the effect of destimulators, namely, a great content of caesium-137 in the soils of Polissia zone and its possible accumulation in agricultural products, it is recommended to keep positive balance of humus in arable lands et the expense of application of differentiated norms of organic fertilizers (from 1 to 16 t/ha) and soil liming; in case of increased release of radon out of soil surface and its entry into buildings it is recommended to ventilate them and arrange shielding of basements during construction.

Author Biographies

O. V. Varzhel, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Ecology, Chemistry and Technology

V. A. Ishchenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor of the Chair of Ecology, Chemistry and Technology


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Abstract views: 124



How to Cite

O. V. . Varzhel and V. A. Ishchenko, “Evaluation of Influence of Sanitary and Radiative Indicators on Ecological Safety of Rivne Region”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 38–44, Oct. 2022.






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