Distance learning technologies application in the development of rhetorical culture as a component of pedagogical skills of masters of technical colleges


  • O. B. Zaliubivska Вінницький національний технічний університет


educational technology, information educational technologies, controlled from distance technologies of teaching, rhetoric, rhetorical culture, pedagogical skill


The role of information technologies in institutions of higher education is examined in the article, in particular, the role of distance learning technologies in the development of the rhetoric of rhetorical culture as a component of pedagogical skill of masters - the future high school teachers; the experience of these technologies application in Vinnytsia National Technical University is suggested in the paper.

Author Biography

O. B. Zaliubivska, Вінницький національний технічний університет

викладач кафедри культурології, соціології, педагогіки та психології


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How to Cite

O. B. Zaliubivska, “Distance learning technologies application in the development of rhetorical culture as a component of pedagogical skills of masters of technical colleges”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 177–181, Nov. 2010.



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