Methodic of Engineering Calculations of Equipment Parameters for Solid Domestic Waste Dewatering in a Garbage Truck


  • O. V. Bereziuk Vinnytsia National Technical University



garbage truck, screw press, dewatering, solid domestic wastes


A mathematical model of the operation of the solid domestic waste dewatering drive in a garbage truck is proposed. This model allows us to study the dynamics of this process and obtain regression equations for determining the nominal value of the angular velocity of the hydraulic motor. During the study there has been used the numerical method of Runge–Kutta–Vellberg of the fourth order with a variable step of integration, and regression results of one-factor experiments and other pair of dependencies with a selection of the best function of the 16 most common variants on the criterion of the maximum correlation coefficient. An analytical study of a simplified mathematical model of the operation of the solid domestic waste dewatering system in a garbage truck by solving a system of ordinary linear differential equations using Laplace transformations and by decomposing the expression into simple fractions allowed us to obtain analytical interdependencies of its main parameters, which can be used to perform preliminary design calculations of the parameters of this drive. When comparing the results obtained using full and simplified mathematical models for dewatering solid domestic waste in a garbage truck, in particular the angular velocity of the hydraulic motor, the error was 7,06 %, which is acceptable for performing preliminary design calculations of the main drive parameters. A scientifically-based method of design calculation of the drive for dewatering solid domestic waste in a garbage truck is proposed. This method allows to obtain the basic geometric, power and speed parameters and is one of the components for solving the problem of creating scientific and technical bases for designing highly efficient working bodies of machines for cleaning and primary processing of solid domestic waste. The main geometric, power and speed parameters of the drive for dewatering solid domestic waste in a garbage truck are obtained.

Author Biography

O. V. Bereziuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair of Security of Life and Pedagogic of Security


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Abstract views: 199



How to Cite

O. V. Bereziuk, “Methodic of Engineering Calculations of Equipment Parameters for Solid Domestic Waste Dewatering in a Garbage Truck”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 2, pp. 73–81, Apr. 2020.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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