Growth of Production Volumes and Fields of Use of Reinforced Concrete Blocks


  • V. R. Serdiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • D. H. Rudchenko LLC “Aerok”, Obukhiv



autoclaved aerated concrete, production, masonry, special aerated concrete blocks


The current state of production of autoclaved aerated concrete in Ukraine is investigated in the article. The purpose of the article is to study the state of production of aerated concrete autoclave hardening (AGB) of the main technological features of masonry using standard aerated concrete blocks and special purpose blocks (O-blocks, U-blocks and T-blocks).

The analysis of the dynamics of production of ordinary clay bricks, which is being displaced from the construction market by autoclaved aerated concrete due to the high energy consumption of its production and low thermal insulation properties, is given.

The structure of production of AGB of Ukraine by density is analyzed. Most manufacturers of AGB Ukraine produce D500 aerated concrete. The world’s best AGB manufacturers produce energy-efficient aerated concrete D400 and D300. The economic and operational technological advantages of low-density aerated concrete block masonry and the prospects for increasing the production of effective thermal insulation aerated concrete with a density of 100…150 kg/m3 are shown. The advantages of using aerated concrete blocks of cement and polyurethane foam glue instead of traditional cement-sand mortars are given. At the same time heat losses through seams which are "cold bridges" are eliminated.

Prospects for the use of aerated concrete blocks for special purposes O-blocks used as fixed formwork to strengthen the wall structure, ventilation ducts, window and yard jumpers. Aerated concrete T-blocks perform the function of an effective thermal liner when installing a prefabricated monolithic floor.

Author Biographies

V. R. Serdiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Municipal Economy Construction and Architecture

D. H. Rudchenko, LLC “Aerok”, Obukhiv

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), General Director


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How to Cite

V. R. . Serdiuk and D. H. Rudchenko, “Growth of Production Volumes and Fields of Use of Reinforced Concrete Blocks”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 7–18, Oct. 2021.



Civil engineering



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