The Structure of the Device for Identifying the Technical State of the Brush-Collector Node of the DC Traction Motor


  • M. P. Rozvodiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • K. M. Rozvodiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University



brush-collector knot, brush, collector, traction motor, DC motor, technical condition, identification, residual resource, intensity of spark, wearing brush, collector beating


Most of the electric motors that work in manufacturing sphere have already exhausted their resource. The largest number of failures in the traction DC electric motor occur in the brush-collector node. The reasons for these failures are the poor quality of the switching adjustment, wear out of brushes and regular overload of the traction electric motor. Each failure is characterized by sparkling in transient contact with a brush-collector, which worsens the technical condition of the dark-collector node and energy performance of the traction motor in general and affects the resource of the latter. It had been identified that the prerequisite for reliable operation of the DC electric motor is the determination of the technical condition of its brush-collector node.

To increase the reliability of the DC traction electric motor there had been suggested the structure of the device to identify the technical condition of its brush-collector node. This structure takes into account a sufficient number of controlled parameters that allow to form diagnostic signs of a brush-collector node and determine the residual brush resource.

The synthesized device structure allows to: fix the presence and determine the intensity of sparking on the collector; fix the starting time and ending of sparks under the brush, the duration of spark pulses;  determine the value of the average quadratic deviation of the duration of sparks by collector on its output and the value of the average quadratic deviation of the spark pulses in all collector plates that are sparkling, in time; determine the magnitude of wear out; brush wear out speed; residual brush resource; determine the collector's beating. When exceeding the permissible or threshold value of any of the parameters there had been envisaged the notification on the corresponding indicator and the alarm circle operation.

Identification of these parameters of the brush-collector node of the traction electric motor will determine the sources of increased spark, enabling to develop ways to improve the quality of switching by reducing the spark.

Author Biographies

M. P. Rozvodiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Electromechanical Systems Automation in Industry and Transport

K. M. Rozvodiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of the Department of Intelligent Information Technology and Automation


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How to Cite

M. P. Rozvodiuk and K. M. Rozvodiuk, “The Structure of the Device for Identifying the Technical State of the Brush-Collector Node of the DC Traction Motor”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 38–43, Dec. 2021.






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