Comparative Analysis of the Results of the Determination of Allowances According to Standards and the Calculation and Analytical Method Using the Dimensional Analysis of Technological Processes


  • O. V. Deribo Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • S. V. Repinskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • K. S. Kovalenko Vinnytsia National Technical University



mechanical processing, determination of allowances, normative method, calculation and analytical method, dimensional analysis of technological processes


A comparative analysis of the results of determining the general allowance according to the standards and the allowance determined using the calculation-analytical method on the example of processing by boring the main hole in the workpiece of the body part was performed. The studies were carried out on the example of the technological process of mechanical processing of the workpiece of the "Hull" type part. The determination of technological dimensions and dimensions of the initial workpiece, as well as intermediate allowances and general allowance for all transitions of processing (boring) of one of the main holes is considered. It was believed that the initial workpiece is casting in shell molds. To determine one of the components of the minimum pass, namely the spatial deviations of the surface of the hole relative to technological bases, the dimensional analysis apparatus of the technological process was used, which takes into account the specific conditions of this process, in particular, the peculiarities of the scheme of basing on the first operation.

A comparison of the amount of the total minimum allowance determined using the calculation-analytical method with the amount of the total allowance determined according to the normative tables showed that the calculated allowance exceeds the standard by almost 30%, and the most significant influence on the amount of the calculated total allowance is the value of the spatial deviation of the axis of the hole in the initial workpiece relative to the technological bases. Therefore, if the first operation of the technological process solves the problem of ensuring the dimensional relationship between the processed and untreated surfaces, then the allowance determined according to the standards during the processing of a batch of blanks on a set machine may not be enough to ensure the required surface quality details Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to use the calculation and analytical method to determine both the intermediate allowances and the total allowance.

Author Biographies

O. V. Deribo, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Technology and Automation of Mechanical Engineer

S. V. Repinskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Assiociate Professor of the Chair of Technology and Automation of Mechanical Engineer

K. S. Kovalenko, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Student of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Transport


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How to Cite

O. V. . Deribo, S. V. Repinskyi, and K. S. Kovalenko, “Comparative Analysis of the Results of the Determination of Allowances According to Standards and the Calculation and Analytical Method Using the Dimensional Analysis of Technological Processes”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 69–74, Dec. 2022.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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