Review of Methods and Devices for Determining the Dew Point Temperature for Humidity and Hydrocarbons


  • Y. Y. Bilynskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O. S. Horodetska Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • D. V. Novytskyi Vinnytsia National Technical University


methods for determining temperature of dew point on humidity and hydrocarbons, natural gas, condensing methods, hygrometer


Based on the results of the analysis of the state of ensuring the determination of the humidity parameters of natural gas, it has been established that in gas industry, the humidity dew point temperature has been used, more often than the humidity index, the temperature of the beginning of the condensation (crystallization) of the humidity vapor that is present in the gas composition at a certain pressure. Regulatory documents, in most cases, regulate exactly the temperature of the dew point of humidity, taking into consideration their greatest informativeness. The review of the main methods for determining the temperature of the dew point by humidity and hydrocarbons has been carried out, their classification has been given, according to which the following methods for determining the temperature of the dew point have been identified: physical, chemical, physico-chemical, evaporative-psychrometric, sorption, condensation. The main drawbacks of the methods have been determined; the main problems of measuring the temperature control of the dew point have been analyzed. Taking into account long-term experience of using measuring equipment in production conditions, the condensation method has been determined to be the most suitable for use.

The devices for measuring the humidity of natural gas by the temperature of the dew point have been analyzed, the physics of the transformation process, the features of the measurement have been considered. The currently existing methods for determining the parameters of the humidity content of natural gas as the main indicator of its quality and the state of their implementation in technical facilities do not provide the required accuracy when performing measurements in the automatic mode due to the influence on the measurement results of impurities of various nature included in the composition of natural gas. In addition, the fault is the difficulty of detecting two temperatures of dew points simultaneously. These flaws require further improvement of methods and devices for determining the dew point temperature for humidity and hydrocarbons

Author Biographies

Y. Y. Bilynskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Professor, Head of the Chair of Electronics and Nanosystems

O. S. Horodetska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Telecommunication Systems and Television

D. V. Novytskyi, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of Electronics and Nanosystems


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How to Cite

Y. Y. Bilynskyi, O. S. Horodetska, and D. V. Novytskyi, “Review of Methods and Devices for Determining the Dew Point Temperature for Humidity and Hydrocarbons”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 110–120, Aug. 2018.



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