Improvement of the Probabilistic Mathematical Model of the Process of Forgetting Information Received by the Student at Lecture


  • B. I. Mokin Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O. O. Voitsekhovska Vinnytsia National Technical University



information forgetting process, H. Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, B. Mokin and O. Mokin forgetting bands, modeling, improvement of “curve” and “band” models

Author Biographies

B. I. Mokin, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Academician of NAPS of Ukraine, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Electromechanical Systems of Automation in Industry and Transport, Professor of the Chair of System Analysis, Computer Monitoring and Engineering Graphics

O. O. Voitsekhovska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student of the Chair of System Analysis, Computer Monitoring and Engineering Graphics


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В. Н. Тутубалин, Теория вероятностей. Москва: изд-во Московского университета, 1972, 230 с.

Б. І. Мокін, В. Б. Мокін та О. Б. Мокін, Математичні методи ідентифікації динамічних систем, навчальний посібник. Вінниця, Україна: ВНТУ, 2010, 260 с.

Л. М. Приснякова, Системный анализ поведения личности. Днепропетровск, Украина: издатель Овсянников Ю. С., 2007, 218 с.


Abstract views: 389



How to Cite

B. I. Mokin and O. O. Voitsekhovska, “Improvement of the Probabilistic Mathematical Model of the Process of Forgetting Information Received by the Student at Lecture”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 4, pp. 49–57, Aug. 2019.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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