Increasing the Role of the Construction Industry in Slowing Global Warming


  • V. R. Serdiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • T. V. Serdiuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • S. Yu. Franyshyna Vinnytsia National Technical University



greenhouse effect, global warming, environmental taxes, utilization and sequiterization of carbon dioxide, renewable energy growth, green construction


The work reveals the current state of problems related to the growth of emissions greenhouse gases and environmental temperature due to excessive burning of fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas). The analysis of the implementation of the European experience is given introduction of taxation of carbon dioxide emissions, which had a positive effect on sales energy saving and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. It is shown that the G20 countries account for 78 % of global greenhouse gas emissions, therefore they play a critical role in global mitigation efforts climatic changes. Indicators of Ukraine’s actual global carbon dioxide emissions and international obligations to reduce them and achieve climate neutrality are presented. The potential consequences for the country’s economy of the implementation of the cross-border mechanism have been revealed carbon border adjustment mechanism (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism — CBAM), a comparative analysis of taxes on greenhouse gas emissions in Ukraine and other countries is given. There have been generalized modern methods of utilization of carbon dioxide by its use in technologies for the production of cement concrete, fuel and other materials. The construction industry consumes up to 40 % of all energy carriers used in the country has huge reserves of saving energy resources. It is shown that it is an effective solution reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing global temperature remains implementation of low-clinker cement, non-metallic construction materials technology fittings Planting bushes, trees, landscaping walls and roofs, parking lots remain a recognized direction of landscape design and serve as a natural mechanism improvement of ecology. It is shown that the reduction plays a decisive role in the reduction of global warming the use of fossil fuels with subsequent abandonment of them in favor of RES. Expansion of the use of pellets for heating, implementation of green standards for new construction and insulation of the outdated housing stock will contribute to the reduction of energy consumption in construction.

Author Biographies

V. R. Serdiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of Construction, Municipal Economy and Architecture

T. V. Serdiuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Construction, Municipal Economy and Architecture

S. Yu. Franyshyna, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Engineer of the Chair of Construction, Municipal Economy and Architecture


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How to Cite

V. R. Serdiuk, T. V. Serdiuk, and S. Y. Franyshyna, “Increasing the Role of the Construction Industry in Slowing Global Warming ”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 6–15, Oct. 2022.



Civil engineering



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