Discourse of the notion «communication» in the contest of formation of modern paradigm of education


  • M. D. Pryshchak Вінницький національний технічний університет


communication, communicativeness, intercourse, dialogue, monologue, authoritarian pedagogic, communicative philosophy (ethics), paradigm of education


There had been researched the scientific discourse of the notion of “communication”. Attention has been focused on etymological analysis of the words “communication”, «intercourse» as well as research of points of view of communication in the history of philosophy and modern science. There had been determined the notion of “communication” in the content of criticism of technocratic approach to the understanding and determining of this notion, overcoming of the authoritarian, mono logical pedagogic and tendencies of formation of the modern paradigm of education.

Author Biography

M. D. Pryshchak, Вінницький національний технічний університет

доцент кафедри культурології, соціології, педагогіки та психології


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Abstract views: 542



How to Cite

M. D. Pryshchak, “Discourse of the notion «communication» in the contest of formation of modern paradigm of education”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 25–29, Nov. 2010.



Humanization and humanitarization of technical education



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