Adaptation of the Methodology of Clear Estimation of the Quality of Knowledge in the Field of Information Technologies Obtained Online on Fuzzy Models of Learning Processes


  • О. О. Voitsekhovska Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • B. I. Mokin Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • O. В. Mokin Vinnytsia National Technical University



quality of students' knowledge, fuzzy model of quality estimation of studying a particular discipline, probabilistic nature of defuzzified linguistic variables of a fuzzy model, adaptation of methods of clear quality estimation based on a fuzzy mode, substantiation of necessity and conditions of adaptation


To estimate the quality of the learning process for students of higher technical educational institutions in a particular discipline, obtained online, it is proposed to use an adapted form of the well-known ideology of clear estimation of the quality of integration of education with manufacture on fuzzy mathematical models. The need of adaptation of this ideology is conditioned, firstly, that linguistic variables, that will characterize the different stages of educational process, get new maintenance, as a process of receipt of working profession by students is not adequate to the process of mastering a certain educational discipline by students in the online-mode, secondly, that in connection with a necessity to take into account the terms of mastering of certain educational discipline in the online-mode the amount of these linguistic variables grows substantially, and thirdly, that in connection with necessity to determinate before the final stage, in kind of an examination these additional influence, by means of which the normalization will be performed for those linguistic variable that differ from "normal" ones, the process of analysis orientation "from the end to the beginning", specific for the prototype-ideology, changes on the opposite process "from the beginning to the end". The methodology that will realize our variant of ideology of clear estimation on unclear models differs by t taking into account the differences given above in ideology, firstly, that takes off the problem of creation of sufficient power of great number of defuzzified values of linguistic variables that characterize the process of studying a certain educational disciplines in little-completed groups, secondly, uses the great number of examination estimations not as starting one for the beginning of estimation process, as it takes place in the prototype-ideology, but as criterion, by means of that the process quality is estimated, and thirdly, offers variants of synthesis of a mathematical model for distribution laws of defuzzified linguistic variables in case if a hypothesis of "normality" for them is not executed.

Author Biographies

О. О. Voitsekhovska, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Post-Graduate Student, Assistant of the Chair of System Analysis and Information Technologies

B. I. Mokin, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Academician of NAPS of Ukraine, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of System Analysis and Information Technologies, Professor of the Chair of Electromechanical Systems of Automation in Industry and Transport

O. В. Mokin, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Professor of the Chair of System Analysis and Information Technologies


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How to Cite

Voitsekhovska О. О. ., B. I. Mokin, and Mokin O. В. ., “Adaptation of the Methodology of Clear Estimation of the Quality of Knowledge in the Field of Information Technologies Obtained Online on Fuzzy Models of Learning Processes”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 1, pp. 57–69, Feb. 2021.



Information technologies and computer sciences



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