Dynamics of the Need for New SMW Disposal Landfills in Ukraine


  • O. V. Bereziuk Vinnytsia National Technical University
  • M. S. Lemeshev Vinnytsia National Technical University




dynamics, solid municipal waste, need for new landfills, landfill, regression analysis


According to statistical data, during 2013—2021, the need for new municipal solid waste landfills in Ukraine gradually decreased. Therefore, the determination of the regression dependence, which describes the dynamics of the need for new landfills for solid municipal waste in our country, in order to solve the problem of handling solid municipal waste, is an urgent scientific and technical task. The purpose of the study is to determine, using regression analysis, the dependence that describes the dynamics of the need for new solid waste landfills in our country in order to solve the problem of solid waste management. The well-known method of regression analysis of the results of single-factor experiments and other paired regularities with the selection of the most adequate type of function from the sixteen most common options using the criterion of the maximum value of the correlation coefficient was used in the research. This regression was carried out based on linearizing transformations, which make it possible to reduce a nonlinear dependence to a linear one. The determination of the values of the coefficients of the regression equation was carried out by the method of least squares using the developed computer program "RegAnalyz", which is protected by a Certificate of the state registration of the rights to the copyright object . An adequate regression dependence was obtained, which enables to describe the dynamics of the need for new solid municipal waste landfills in our country. A graphical dependence has been constructed that describes the dynamics of the need for new solid municipal waste landfills in our country and allows to visually illustrate such dynamics, to prove a sufficient convergence of actual and theoretical results. It was established that in our country the need for new solid waste landfills in 2013—2021 decreased exponentially. It is predicted that, at the current rates of decline, the need for new municipal solid waste landfills in Ukraine may disappear by 2031.

Author Biographies

O. V. Bereziuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Associated Professor, Professor of the Chair of Security of Life and Pedagogic of Security

M. S. Lemeshev, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair of Construction, Urban Economy and Architecture


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Abstract views: 111



How to Cite

O. V. . Bereziuk and M. S. Lemeshev, “Dynamics of the Need for New SMW Disposal Landfills in Ukraine”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 3, pp. 6–10, Jun. 2023.






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