Experimental Investigation of the Solid Domestic Wastes Milling Process during Dewatering by Auger Press


  • O. V. Bereziuk Vinnytsia National Technical University




experiment, planning experiment, auger press, primary processing, milling, dewatering, energy intensity, solid domestic wastes


Experimental investigation of the milling process of solid domestic wastes during dewatering by the auger press is an urgent scientific and technical task as one of the components for solving the problem of creation of scientific and technical bases for designing highly efficient working bodies of machines for collecting and primary processing of solid domestic wastes. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the regression models of indicators of technological milling process of solid domestic wastes during dewatering in a garbage truck with the auger press from the main parameters of influence. The investigation used the method of analysis of literary sources, the method of sieve analysis, as well as the planning of the experiment by the Box–Wilson method of the second order. The analysis of literary sources on solid domestic wastes management confirmed the need for their milling. There has been conducted the experimental investigation of the milling process of solid domestic wastes during dewatering by the auger press. Adequate quadratic regression dependences of such indicators of the milling process as the residue on the sieve and the energy intensity of milling of solid domestic wastes were obtained from the main parameters of influence, such as average particle size, initial relative density of solid domestic wastes, diameter of the auger core at the last coil. The adequacy of the regression models was verified according to the Fisher criterion and the significance of the regression coefficients by the Student criterion. The obtained regression models can be used to create a methodology for engineering calculations of the parameters of machines and mechanisms for milling solid domestic wastes as a component of the scientific and technical basis of designing highly efficient working bodies of machines for the collection and primary processing of solid domestic wastes. The response surfaces of the target functions is constructed — the residue on the sieve and the energy intensity of milling of solid domestic wastes and their two-dimensional cross sections in the planes of the impact parameters, which allow to clearly illustrate the dependence of these target functions on the individual impact parameters.

Author Biography

O. V. Bereziuk, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Associated Professor, Associated Professor of the Chair of Security of Life and Pedagogic of Security


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How to Cite

O. V. Bereziuk, “Experimental Investigation of the Solid Domestic Wastes Milling Process during Dewatering by Auger Press”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 5, pp. 75–80, Oct. 2019.



Mechanical engineering and transport



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