World Experience of the Legal Providing of Forming of Model of Self-Preservation of Health of the Concerned Population of Ukraine


  • I. V. Zaiukov Vinnytsia National Technical University



healthy way of life, self-preservation of health, legislative base, model


Actuality of the article is related to the fact that today in Ukraine, unlike many developed countries of the world, the sufficient attention is not paid to the legal aspects of problem of forming the bases of self-preservation of health of the concerned population, in particular to the healthy way of life. It worsens not only the medical, demographic state of the country but also carries a threat for national, in particular economic safety.

The aim of the article is the research of international and home experience of realization of principles of healthy way of life as an important element of mechanism of self-preservation of health of the concerned population and construction of model of forming of its legal constituent.

The necessity of transition of Ukraine is substantiated for socio-economic and medical and demographic politics to conception of «reduction of harm» that shows a soba realization not only of medical events on the aim of improvement of health of people, and must be sent to the aspect, related to behavior of man it offers to realize in Ukraine priorities and principles that are the basis of forming of public policy of healthy way of life of the developed countries of the world, in particular, to the «justice», «diversification», to «availability» and others like that.

The world and home experience is analyzed in the sphere of realization of legislative base in direction of forming of healthy way of life of population and recommendations are offered in relation to its application in Ukraine. There has been offered the model of forming of legal constituent of organizationally-economic mechanism of self-preservation of health of population of Ukraine, in particular its concerned part. The important innovative element of the marked model is the use of perspective international experience and creation of the «National center of health for the concerned population of Ukraine».

Author Biography

I. V. Zaiukov, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Life Safety and Safety Education


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Abstract views: 289



How to Cite

I. V. Zaiukov, “World Experience of the Legal Providing of Forming of Model of Self-Preservation of Health of the Concerned Population of Ukraine”, Вісник ВПІ, no. 6, pp. 44–52, Dec. 2018.



Economics and management



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